Our assets

Hyde Energy is building the foundation for a long-term future in the global energy and commodities marketplace. The acquisition of strategic upstream, midstream, and downstream assets is central to this objective.

We began to develop our asset portfolio with a focus on the liberalised West Coast and Gulf of Guinea oil and gas regions, where many of our current team were deeply involved in establishing our distribution, trading and marketing infrastructure.

Our management team has proven specialised capabilities in being able to achieve the essential balance between harvesting resources efficiently, while caring for the environment and our local communities.

Midstream, we have established storage facilities across the West African region, and acquired a petroleum tank farm and terminal in Nigeria. Downstream, in Nigeria, we are growing the Hyde Energy network of petroleum retail stations.

We continue to develop along the value chain with upstream, midstream, and downstream assets. Having such a diverse base enhances our trading and business flexibility, while supporting security of supply for our customers and counterparties.

Our goal is to become a comprehensive energy and commodities trading group serving customers, suppliers, and counterparties around the world.

Aderemi Williams
Director, Hyde Tanks & Terminals

Adedayo Harold - Sodipo
Director, Hyde Tanks & Terminals

Terminals and Storage

Our operations

Our storage and operations management ensures we can honour our delivery contracts while providing customers value-added services along the supply chain.

We see strength in being both a financial and physical energy and commodities business. As such, we have developed our management team from the outset to include the expertise necessary to ship, store, blend and distribute our products in a first-class manner.

We have strong links with the freight market and a proven ability in spot and time chartering to acquire the vessel capacities needed to receive and deliver cargo anywhere in the world.

As we expand our business, we will acquire additional storage and distribution assets to complement the growth of our global trading and our indigenous Nigerian petroleum and lubricants retail operations.

Our aim is to provide operational storage and blending capabilities that ensure the security of supply and create the flexibility for our customers to enhance their own services.